A Loja Pekka trás mais dois Lindos Lançamentos para os Fanatícos e que gostam de Tatuagens Negras com Detalhes incriveis.
o Nome delas são "Never a failure always a lesson" & "Veritas Liberabit Vos" vale a pena Conferir essas Novidades com tantas outras, Espero que gostem um Forte Abraço a todos!.
o Nome delas são "Never a failure always a lesson" & "Veritas Liberabit Vos" vale a pena Conferir essas Novidades com tantas outras, Espero que gostem um Forte Abraço a todos!.
Pekka Store behind two beautiful entries for fans who like Tattoos and black in incredible detail.
their name is "Never a failure always a lesson" & "Veritas Vos Liberabit" is worth Checking these NEWS with many others, hope you like a Big Hug to Everyone!.
their name is "Never a failure always a lesson" & "Veritas Vos Liberabit" is worth Checking these NEWS with many others, hope you like a Big Hug to Everyone!.
Never a failure always a lesson
Veritas Liberabit Vos
Hair: booN BAB853
Shape: .Pekka. Roy
Shorts: >>Poison<< Rage
Tattoos: .Pekka. Never a failure always a lesson & Veritas Liberabit Vos NEW !
Ears: .Pekka. Animal White Plugs
Piercing: .Pekka. Macro UNISEX "X- ROOM" 99 L$
Sandals: Duh! Unisex Sport Sandals
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