
Fighter ♪

by - Friday, November 04, 2011

Esse vestido sexy que estou usando é de uma loja linda que conheci chamada: Bad Romance, e com base nesse vestido criei um look com outras novidades também. *-* Beijão ;*

This sexy dress I'm wearing is a gorgeous store I met called: Bad Romance, and based on that dress I created a look with other news too. *-* Xoxo ;*

Hair: Ploom - Asch - NEW !
Shape.Pekka. - Priscy -  NEW !
Skin: JeSyLiLO - Snow- SunKissSkin -  NEW !
Necklace+:+WTG+:+  -  **C+@**
Blazer: Izzie's - Velvet
Dress: - (BR) - Lace dress - White - NEW !
Leggings: Fleshtone - Seamless Hooker
Shoes: Purrfect 10 - Maia Heels Lace Black
Poses: Izzie's - Skirt poses

Location Route 666

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