Dressed to kill õ/
Quando montei esse look baseado em algumas novidades, logo veio na minha mente: "vestida para matar" LOL . A inspiração do look veio da nova Sandália da Purrfect 10 que vem com balas e o salto foi feito com a metade de uma arma, linda né? eu amei! õ/ A inspiração também veio do vestido da Glue ink preto com renda, acho que nem preciso mencionar que é muito sexy... Teve contribuição também das novas unhas da wtg que estão um arraso. Confiram!
When I started this look based on some news just came in my mind: "dressed to kill" LOL. The inspiration came from the new look of the shoes Purrfect 10that comes with bullets and jump was made with half a gun, nice huh? I loved it! õ/ Inspiration also came from Glue ink black dress with lace, I need hardly mention that it is very sexy ... Contribution also had the "new nail" the WTG that are a blast. Check it out!
Shape: :: Red.Ley :: - Rebecca
Hair: >TRUTH< - Zaria
Skin: Al Vulo - May - @ Winter Fair
Earring: [[SHADE THRONE]] - THE
Necklace: PRIMALOT - Rubber
Dress: [GLUE
INK] - Lay Lady Lay Dress - NEW !
Tattoo: [GLUE
INK]- Adahlia
Belt with gun: MayCreations - Rebel
Shoes: Purrfect 10 - Killer Heels Patent Black - NEW !
Poses: Purple Poses
Location: Sinners heaven
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