Aaaah I was supposed to blog this LOOOONG time ago, but I wanted to take pics in a beautiful thematic land, bla bla bla... I didn't find a "safari" land but I found this beautiful jungle - The Wildnerness of Kelsingra - it's simply amazing, if you like to explore beautiful places, then you have to check this!
So let's talk about the outfit: it's complete, comes with mesh items and the binoculars have a HUD so you can switch its pose. I simply love the funny monkey on the hat and also a lovely butterfly flying around your avi *.* I couldn't take so many pics to show the amazing place because I was experiencing lots of lag with my shadows on :(
Skin - Curio
Outfit - *{ SeVered GarDeN }* TAMU - classic
Cabelo / Hair - Elikatira
Pose (pic 2) - Purple Poses
Location: Wildnerness of Kelsingra
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