
Feel Something ♫

by - Monday, August 21, 2017

ShapeLitchi - Moana 
HeadCATWA - Catya Bento 
Skin/Applier HeadPUMEC  - AZALEA @ Shiny Shabby 
BodyMaitreya - Mesh Body Lara
EyeBrowBuzzeri -  The Flawless Eyebrow 
EyesLOTUS -  Oceanic Eyes @Applique
Hair Base SIIX - Russian
Hair: DOUX - Shanna Evans @ Tres Chic
Nails:    Astrallia -  Pina Colada polish + Nails @ N21 
Rins:    Astrallia -   Alohomora Rings  @ N21 
JumpsuitCYNFUL  Neveh - NEW ♥
Shoes: N-core - ENDLESS Peep Toe 
Pose 1: FOXCITY  Cute But Psycho Bento Pose @ On9 
Pose 2:  <K&S>   ~Next to the wall~ pose 2 
Pose 3: La baguette   

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3 coments

  1. Hi there. I was just wondering where you got your poses for this post?

    1. Hello, I put in the credits where the poses are. ♥

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
