
In the Christmas mood ♫

by - Monday, December 04, 2017

HeadCATWA - Catya Bento 
BodyMaitreya - Mesh Body Lara
Skin/Applier HeadInsol - Mia
EyeBrowBuzzeri -  The Flawless Eyebrow 
EyesZORA  - Debora Eyes 
NecklaceEmpire -  Letter Necklace
Rings: Amala The Lumi Rings - Maitreya - Fifty Linden Friday
Hair: DOUX - Kimberly
Outfit: COCO  Jogger Pants + Tank Top + Faux Fur Jacket @FaMESHed 
Shoes: Bleich  Mesh B-Slides @ FaMESHed
Dog :  JIAN - Santa's Samoyeds 17. Reindeer Pup Held   @The Arcade


JIAN Christmas Tree 2017 Decorated @FaMESHed 
 ~BAZAR~ - Toronto-Living room bookshelf 1
  ~BAZAR~ - Toronto-Picture frame2
  ~BAZAR~ - Toronto-Sofa
 ~BAZAR~ -  Toronto-Living room curtain right
 ~BAZAR~ - Trompe Loeil - Shoemaker Cottage
House: Trompe Loeil - Shoemaker Cottage @FaMESHed 

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